Enter a card receipt using Opayo (formerly Sage Pay)

Note - information

Opayo is the new name for Sage Pay.

Find this screen

Open: Customers > Online Cards > Online Card Receipt.

How to

Enter the receipt details

  1. Select the Bank account.
  2. Click Clear or tab to the Code field.
  3. Choose the customer from the Code, Short Name or Postcode drop-down list.
  4. Enter the details:

    • Date - This defaults to today's date.
    • Reference and Second reference if required.

    • Cheque value - Enter the receipt amount.
    • Settlement discount - if applicable.
  5. To save the receipt :

    • Click Save to save without allocating.
    • Click Save and allocate to allocate the receipt .

      Note: When you allocate a payment/receipt, the allocation date will default to either today's date or the payment/receipt date. This depends on what you have chosen as the Default allocation date in Customer Defaults and Settings.

    • If you entered a receipt whilst you're reconciling your bank account, you can click Save & Create Rule to create a bank feeds rule for this transaction, to save you entering it again the next time.

Enter the card details

Use a new card
  1. Select Use New Card Details.
  2. Select the Card Type* from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the card details. * denotes the mandatory fields.
    1. Card Number *.
    2. Card Holder Name * as it appears on the card.
    3. Issue Number if applicable.
    4. CV2 (Security Code) * from the back of the card.
    5. Start Date if applicable. Choose from the month and year drop-down lists.
    6. Expiry Date *. Choose from the month and year drop-down lists.
  4. Enter the billing details:
    1. Billing surname *
    2. Billing first name *
    3. Billing address *- the address details are taken from the customer's account. You can change them here if necessary.
    4. City *
    5. Postcode *
    6. Country*
  5. Click Save.
  6. Enter the Card Reference details. This allows you to recall these details if your customer pays you using the same card again.
Save card details

If you want to reuse the same card details for this customer, you can enter a reference for the card once you save the details. The next time you enter a receipt for the customer, you can just enter the card reference.

Use an existing card

If your customer has paid you using this card before, you can recall these card details to save you entering all the information again.

  1. Select Use Existing Card Details.
  2. Select the reference you gave the card from the drop-down list.
  3. Note: By default, the card most recently used by the customer is displayed.

  4. Click Save.
  5. Click OK to confirm the message that payment has successfully been taken from the customer's card.

Enter a foreign currency receipt

When you choose a foreign currency customer, additional cheque currency, exchange rate and bank charges boxes are displayed.

You can only process card transactions in currencies that you have agreed with Opayo.

If there is an exchange rate gain or loss between the transactions, this is dealt with by Sage 200 automatically.

Enter the following additional details:

  1. Currency - The customer's currency is entered by default. Select a different currency if required.

  2. Exchange rate - The current rate is displayed. Click to change this.

  3. Bank charges - Enter if applicable. Bank charges are entered in the same currency as the bank account.

    Note: If you want bank charges to be included in your VAT return, then don't enter your bank charges here. Instead, you should enter the bank charges as a separate Nominal Vatable Payment or Nominal Vatable Receipt, using the appropriate VAT rate.

  4. Save the receipt :

    • To save without allocating, click Save.
    • To save and allocate it, click Save and Allocate.

      Note: When you allocate a payment/receipt, the allocation date will default to either today's date or the payment/receipt date. This depends on what you have chosen as the Default allocation date in Customer Defaults and Settings.

Enter a foreign currency receipt in a third currency

There may be an occasion where you have a foreign currency customer who pays you in another currency. For example, your Canadian customer pays you in US dollars. This is then paid into your sterling bank account.

The key point here is that you decide the amount that is posted to your customer's account. Say the payment is for US $75, this is roughly the same as CAD 100 depending on the exchange rate. When you enter the payment, you must decide whether you want the US $ payment to be equivalent to CAD 100. This is the amount that is posted to your customer's account to be allocated.

To enter the payment:
  1. Choose the currency for the payment from the Cheque currency drop-down list.

  2. Enter the amount of the payment in the Cheque value box. This is in the currency of the payment, e.g. US dollars.
  3. If applicable, enter the settlement discount amount.
  4. Enter the amount that you want to post to customer's account in the Customer cheque value box. This is in the customer's currency, e.g. CAD dollars.
  5. The Exchange rate is displayed. Click to change the exchange rate.
  6. Enter the Bank charges, if applicable. Bank charges are entered in the same currency as the bank account.
  7. The value of the payment is shown in the Net bank cheque value after charges box. This should be the same as the amount paid into your bank account.
  8. To save the payment without allocating, click Save.

    To save the payment and allocate it to an invoice, click Save and Allocate.

Useful info

About using Opayo

Opayo (formerly Sage Pay) is an online card service provider similar to PayPal. Opayo integrates seamlessly with Sage 200 making it easier for your customers to pay you and easier for you to process those payments.

Once you've subscribed and integrated Opayo with Sage 200, you can:

  • Take card payments from your customers and input them directly into Sage 200. This is useful when a customer pays you over the phone.
  • Add Pay Now buttons to invoices, statements and debtor letters, so your customers can pay you immediately. Your customer just clicks the button and enters their card details.
  • Import payments made using the Pay Now option, directly into Sage 200.

About receipts with settlement discounts

A settlement discount is where you offer a discount if your customer pays an invoice early. You usually specify the number of days the invoice has to be paid within to qualify for the discount.

If the invoice is paid within the agreed number of days, then you allow the full discount value when you enter the payment.

  • In the UK, if the invoice is paid within the settlement discount period, VAT is only charged on the discounted amount (Goods value minus Discount value).

  • In Ireland, VAT is calculated at the goods value regardless of any settlement discount.

To make sure that the settlement discount details are always entered when invoices are entered for a customer, you can add the settlement discount details to the customer's account (Payment Terms tab). The Discount percent, Discount Days are then automatically applied each time you enter an invoice for this customer.

You can change the discount details when entering an individual invoice if you need to. This does not update the customer's account. If you change the Discount Value, the Discount Percent is updated and vice versa.

About receipts with bank charges

This is the amount that you are charged by your bank for processing a foreign currency receipt. Depending on your bank, this charge can be shown on your bank statement in two ways:

To make it easier for you to reconcile your bank account, there are also two ways you can enter this into Sage 200.

  • As two separate transactions.

    1. Enter the receipt using the Sales Receipt option.
    2. Enter the bank charge using a Nominal Non-Vatable Receipt or Nominal Vatable Receipt.

    This method creates two transactions which you can then match with the two transactions on your bank statement.

  • As a single transaction.

    Enter the receipt and the bank charges using the Sales Receipt option.

    This method creates one transaction which you then match with the single transaction on your bank statement.

    Note: If you want bank charges to be included in your VAT return, then don't enter your bank charges here. Instead, you should enter the bank charges as a separate Nominal Vatable Payment or Nominal Vatable Receipt, using the appropriate VAT rate.

Whichever method you use, you record the receipt amount in the original currency and the bank charge in the same currency as the bank account. When the receipt is saved, the customer's account balance is updated by the currency value and the bank account and nominal accounts in the sterling equivalent.

If there is an exchange rate gain or loss between the transactions, this is dealt with by Sage 200 automatically.

About receipts with a currency gain or loss?

If the exchange rate used for the receipt is different to the exchange rate used for the invoice, Sage 200 automatically works out the currency gain or loss and posts it to the Nominal Ledger, when the receipt is allocated. When this occurs, the following additional transactions are posted with a reference of REVALUE:

  • For a currency gain.

    Nominal Account Debit Credit
    Debtors Control Account Amount of gain


    Revaluation Account   Amount of gain
  • For a currency loss.

    Nominal Account Debit Credit
    Debtors Control Account  

    Amount of loss

    Revaluation Account Amount of loss  

Fix it

What if I lose my internet connection before the card is processed?

In this case Sage 200 saves the transaction a an orphan card transaction. These are stored in Sage 200 and can be seen on the Complete Orphaned Card Transaction screen.

This will show whether the transaction was submitted to Opayo. You need to check this and then take the appropriate action:

Issue How to identify Resolution

Transaction details were not successfully transmitted to Opayo.

No transaction details held on Opayo for the given transaction code. Delete the orphaned transaction record and re-enter the original transaction.

Transaction details successfully transmitted to Opayo but receipt record failed to reach Sage 200.

Transaction details present on Opayo for the given transaction code. Create a receipt for the orphaned transaction record.

I've processed a card transaction in error or for the wrong amount. What can I do?

In this case, you can refund directly to the customer's card. You can do this using the Refund Online Card Receipt screen.

The screen displays a list of payments made by card. You simply choose the payment to refund. You can choose how much to refund from the card. Once completed the refund is paid back to the customer's card via Opayo and a refund transaction is created in Sage 200, which you can allocate as required.

Why is the date highlighted in red?

This is because the invoice date does not fall within any of your accounting periods.

Check the date and try again.

What happens when I

Save a card receipt

The payment is taken from the customer's card, processed by Opayo and paid into your the bank account your Opayo account is linked to. You can see the payment when you log into the Opayo website.

In Sage 200, the nominal account and customer account are updated immediately, unless the receipt is dated in a future period. In this case, the transaction is posted when the period is opened.

The following table shows the nominal account postings:

Nominal Account Debit Credit

Debtors Control Account

Receipt value

Bank Account Receipt Value

The customer's account is reduced by the payment value.

Save a receipt with a settlement discount

The following table shows the nominal account postings:

Nominal Account Debit Credit
Debtors Control Account Total receipt value: payment +discount
Bank Account Receipt value
Discounts Allowed Discount value

The customer's account is reduced by the total payment value.

Save a foreign currency receipt

The following table shows the nominal account postings:

Nominal Account Debit Credit
Debtors Control Account Receipt value in base currency
Bank Account Receipt value in base currency.

The bank account balance is updated by the payment amount in the bank's currency.

The customer's account is reduced by the currency payment value.

If the receipt is allocated to an invoice,and there is an exchange gain or loss, the following nominal account postings are made:

Nominal Account Debit Credit
Debtors Control Account Gain Loss
Revaluation Account Loss Gain

Save a receipt with bank charges

The following table shows the nominal account postings:

Nominal Account Debit Credit
Debtors Control Account Receipt value
Bank Account Receipt value = charge
Bank charges Charge

The customer account is updated by the payment value in the original currency.

Note - information

Sage is providing this article for organisations to use for general guidance. Sage works hard to ensure the information is correct at the time of publication and strives to keep all supplied information up-to-date and accurate, but makes no representations or warranties of any kind—express or implied—about the ongoing accuracy, reliability, suitability, or completeness of the information provided.

The information contained within this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Sage assumes no responsibility for any action taken on the basis of the article. Any reliance you place on the information contained within the article is at your own risk. In using the article, you agree that Sage is not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever, including without limitation, any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental loss or damage, arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this information.